Monday, March 5, 2012

Great horned owl sighting, plus bonus baby turtles

Hanging out in Golden Gate Park this weekend, we spied a group of people gathered around a lone tree along JFK Boulevard, across from the bison paddock. They were pointing up and holding cameras with extra-long lenses. It was a great horned owl sighting. Apparently this owl has built a nest along the main roadway in the park and had chicks in the first week of February.

It was dusk and my tiny camera could barely handle a photo of the people gathered, so I apologize for the low-quality images, but they'll give you an idea of the urban situation. People, in general, tend to be curious about owls. This one was a beaut. Really large and hooting away. She probably wanted to go hunting and all the people were making her nervous about leaving her chicks.

David Cruz has posted some excellent close-up photos of the owl and her chicks on the SFGate blog.

Quite an owl-spotting crowd. They were actually blocking traffic, but traffic was stopped anyway, looking up.
Here's the tree.
Can you see the great horned owl? She's really camouflaged.
Baby turtles at nearby Spreckels Lake.

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