Monday, March 12, 2012

Spreckels Lake San Francisco Model Yacht Club Regatta plus Coference Bike

Back at Golden Gate Park for the first outing of the long-standing San Francisco Model Yacht Club--a club that's been making and sailing model ships since the 1898! I do like to see some nice model boats. Let's take a look.

Nice details.

This steam ship puffs steam and plays a stirring sea shanty while it chugs around the lake.
This one runs on gas--that's a different boat club, I think.
This had a lot of war-related gore. I'll spare you.
Jackson took his boat around the lake too.

Baby turtles!
This was a cool and weird surprise: The Conference Bicycle. Created by the uncle of one of these riders. They invited people to join them to pedal around the lake. I sat on the backwards seat, pedaled "forwards" and we met up with some more people and had a nice chat while we rode. It was something out of a dream...

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